
On a mission to spark creativity, connection and healing through art.

We do this through restorative power of self-discovery and expression through fine arts. It’s our way to provide a space and a holistic approach to individual and collective trauma which includes culture, spirituality, civic action and community healing.

Through both hands-on and Zoom expressive, healing-centered arts workshops in Columbus, GA & surrounding cities for our veterans and community, we create a better world.

The results are powerful!

Artachoochee serves Columbus, GA & surrounding cities individuals, youth, and families needing therapy. Our goals include, but are not limited to:

Join together for healing and art.

People helping people achieve their goals and live a life with purpose. It’s a philosophy of self-expression to build a better you, a better world.
Art is Vital

Art has the capability to approach trauma in ways that promote a holistic view of healing by collectively engaging beyond the trauma itself.

It can help redefine a positive sense of self, belonging and confidence.

It instills optimism, hopefulness and the ability to dream and reimagine future possibilities.

Arts for Healing & Self-Discovery

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